Sunday, December 30, 2007

Dream Walking is Headed to Africa

Step by step the word is spreading and women are dreaming with God and acting on those dreams as well as encouraging other women to do so! This week some women in Slater, Missouri are sending over 30 Dream Walking books to Africa with Carla Giger, who is in mission there with girls in a support group/school. Carla helps to provide AIDS education and encourages them in various ways to become the women they are called to be. She is truly an example of someone who heard God's dreams for her and was courageous enough to respond even when it meant leaving home and going half way around the world. Her mother is also a dream builder, for she supported her daughter in her calling.

Each girl in Carla's group will be given a Dream Walking book of her own. The desire is to provide the girls with another tool to help them pursue the dreams God has placed in each of their hearts.

This group of women in Slater have another dream as well. They are sending a book with Carla to take to a teacher at Oprah's school for girls which is nearby. Who knows what God may do with these books in Africa?

A million women and more dreaming is a big goal. However as I watch the news of assassinations, people who have given up on living, etc. it seems to me that surely one woman at a time we can make a difference.

May you be bold in pursuing God's dreams for you and may you encourage one or two or more women to dream as you touch them today.

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